1 can (400g) sweet corn kernels
1 stock cube (I used Massels Vegetarian Chicken Flavour)
2 Eggs
Water as needed (about a litre)
3 heaped tsp Corn flour (corn starch)
Drain the corn, then take about half to 3/4 of the can (or all of it if you wish) and rough chop in a food processor.
Put about a litre of water in a pot, put on the heat, and then crumble in the stock cube and add the chopped and unchopped corn. Bring to the boil.
Turn the heat down to a simmer and in a separate bowl, beat the two eggs.
Then stir in eggs into the pot so that they form strands.
In a cup, mix the corn flour with a little cold water to form a paste, bring the pot back to a boil and stir the paste in to the pot to thicken. And now it's ready to serve.
Best enjoyed with warm prawn crackers.

Yum, that sounds so good and I love that it calls for so few ingredients! I am going to bookmark this and make it when the weather cools off this fall/winter!