Currently in ... January

Feeling: Sad that the Christmas season is over.  In previous years I haven't felt too festive because I'm not quite used to a Southern Hemisphere summer Christmas.  So this year I worked hard to add in lots of my favourite things and activities and it worked too well!  I miss Christmas.

Thinking: About how I can achieve the same success with summer as I did for Christmas.  I'm thinking about beach trips, going out for ice cream, day hikes, and bike rides.

Reading: Last Rituals by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir

Watching: Agent Carter, NHL, Downton Abbey, Castle, Grimm

Anticipating: Family coming to visit in February and March!  And all the wonderful things we will do together.

Planning: A trip to Rotorua and some of the things we can do there - like the Polynesian Spa.

Wanting: A new bike helmet but I just can't seem to find the perfect one.

      Maybe this Sawako Furuno one?

      Or a Yakkay one with a cover?

Wishing: For a long warm summer and autumn.
