Like a jawa

Laser cat will find you

A Spanner in the Works

Well my plans for Tuesday and Wednesday were cancelled because I have come down with the cold :(

But I'm feeling much better today so will be going to the Auckland Knitting Group tonight.  I still have a sore throat and I hope I don't infect everyone there!  I've been working on a blanket, but I haven't done anything with it for a couple of weeks so I really need to get going with it again.

I'll report back later!

Happy Canada Day

So, Kane and I headed out to the Canada Day quiz at the Clare Inn yesterday run by the Canadian Club of New Zealand ready to test of Canadian knowledge and meet some cool people.

We arrived and already there were plenty of people there having some food and chatting in groups.  I introduced myself to Cary Young, the club president and he was very welcoming and friendly.

We got a couple of drinks and then chatted with a nice couple, Erika and Graeme.  Amusingly, it turned out that Graemeis Scottish and moved to NZ a while back.  Erika was quiz mistress of the night so we found ourselves a team and tried to answer some questions.

I was pretty happy that my studying had paid off and I was able to answer some questions and Kane was happy that he remembered the name of the explorer John Cabot and got 10 points for that bonus question.  In the end our team came third and we won a goody bag from Marthas Backyard and an awesome trophy.

Kane and Graeme swapped numbers and everyone seemed fun so I hope to go to another of their events at some point in the future.  Good times :)

A Week of Being Social

Last week I was driven to get out of my comfort zone and meet some new people so I researched and signed up to a bunch of clubs and events.  This week has come round and as I look at my full calendar I have the fear and want to crawl back under the duvet.

I oscillate between feeling very brave with a let's do this! attitude to feeling very insecure and maybe it's safer to stay in and watch TV.  So to help trick my brain into feeling more confident I'm looking at this weeks events as a blogging challenge.

The first event is a Canada Day quiz with the Canadian Club.  I am not Canadian so of course I have the fear that they will wonder why the hell I'm there and despite my studying efforts and reaching out to my friends and relatives in Canada for some study pointers I'm not confident that I'll be able to answer any questions correctly - but the point is to try and meet some nice people.

I shall report back later!
