This Blog Turned 10!

This blog turned 10 on the 31st August, the day before my own birthday.  I was in Scotland at the time, visiting family, taking a little side trip to Oslo, Norway and the main event was my nephews wedding.

//Photos from our trip to Oslo, Norway

While it was this blogs birthday I was visiting Dunfermline Abbey, ogling Andrew Carnegie's birthplace and enjoying the many squirrels and crows in Pittencrief Park.  (Fun Fact: there are no crows or squirrels in New Zealand.)

//Photos from our day in Dunfermline

On my birthday, by coincidence, a family reunion had been organised.  It was fun, nostalgic and emotional in equal parts and I'm grateful that I was able to attend.

//My Mum (in the middle) with her sister and brothers

The following week was the wedding of my nephew Billy which is what prompted the visit and again a good time was had enjoying the company of family, friends and new friends.

//Photos from Billy's wedding

While some blogging years have been quite lean and others have been more prolific, I'm glad to have this little space on the internet :)

Happy birthday blog!

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