I managed to cover the bathroom in black dye and just when I thought I mopped up the last of more appeared. It was on the floor, the toilet, the cabinets, the bath panel, my tub of Vaseline, everywhere! I used the Vaseline to cover my forehead and ears so they wouldn't get dye on them and those were probably the only places not to have dye!
I had to go into the kitchen to check the time and then I went to the sitting room window to see if my Dad was back yet. I swear I did not drip at all – I don't know how spots of black dye got on the floor! My route was clearly visible for all to see though.
Then came the rinsing and by god was there a lot of colour coming out of my hair! It took ages standing over the bath rinsing. That's when I noticed some of the dye on the floor, so I was quickly trying to wash the floor as well as my hair and then I knocked down the tray that has all the toothbrushes and mouthwash and everything and that all slid into the bath. It was chaos.
So I rinsed until the water looked clear as per instructions and got ready to pick up my hubby. I still hadn't heard from my Dad. Got hubby and visited my Sis, told her I hadn't seen Dad and we assumed he was in the bowling club. When I got back in the house I was getting worried about him and then my Sis called to say my Mum had been trying to get in touch with me and that my Dad was in Blackpool on the girls weekend with my Mum! Mystery solved. Hubby and I had the place to ourselves for the weekend – heaven!
(Although once my Mum see's the black dye mark on the bath panel and the bits of brunt on spill-over I've just remembered about from the cherry pie I made I'm going to be sent straight to hell.
It's damn fine cherry pie though.)